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Mooxli Scholarship Program!

Updated: Apr 10, 2022

Mooxli is a continuing education retreat community that focuses on building true resilience for Nurse Anesthesiologists and all healthcare professionals.

All of our retreats are certified for 20 Class A credits.

Here at Mooxli, we realize that if we are going to change healthcare culture the best way to start the shift is to connect with Residents and students so that you can start your career with the resources to be resilient, live a passion filled life with clarity, and lead the change we all want to see.

We want to help elevate and teach the next generation of clinicians, leaders, and educators and send you out with tools so that you don't have to reach a crisis point, or that when you do you will feel equipped to navigate it.

Consistent with this mission, we have decided to give out SIX SCHOLARSHIPS for our 2022 Mooxli retreats to residents and Students. The scholarship will cover retreat registration ($2150).

Attendees will be responsible for their travel lodging expenses and their food that is not already covered by the retreat scholarship.


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