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Sarah Bergakker MSN, CRNA
2 min read
Fierce self-compassion for nurses
We can’t take a bubble bath or go for a, “stupid walk for our stupid mental health,” during a code. Good news: we don’t have to jump in...

Sarah Bergakker MSN, CRNA
2 min read
the ultimate self care for nurses
"Whatever outcome this patient has is 100% on you and you alone. This is ALL your fault. This is terrible. You are terrible. No one else...

Sarah Bergakker MSN, CRNA
2 min read
You can fill your own cup
There is always emotional labor involved in the work of caring for others but there can also be a filling of our own cup rather than a...

Sarah Bergakker MSN, CRNA
4 min read
Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable -Fred Rogers- “Code Blue ER,” the familiar...

Sarah Bergakker MSN, CRNA
1 min read
You are Doing Great Darling
YOU. ARE. ENOUGH. “You are doing great darling.” Something I have said to myself a lot this week. . .because, honestly, I don't feel like...

Sarah Bergakker MSN, CRNA
2 min read
A Meditation for Frontline Healthcare Workers
You knew as soon as you saw this patient that today was their last day living here on this earth. You knew because you’ve seen it all so...
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